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Different people have different dreams and plans for the future. Some of them want to be rich and famous, Others dream about having a family. My greatest dream is to be healthy. My second dream is to fly to the USA. I am always interested in that country. I would like to visit my friends there. Besides(另外), I would like to see different places like New York. I like basketball best. I would like to see NBA games and meet NBA players. Of course, I would always like to walk down Manhattan and see the Statue of Liberty.

As for my plans for the future. First of all, I want to pass all the exams in high school and go to college. After college, I want to teach in the school. I think this is my favourite job. And finally, I would like to have my own family. Of course, I want to have a son and a daughter. These are my dreams and plans for the future. I hope they will come true(实现)one day.

1.What's the writer's greatest dream?

A.To be rich and family. B.To be healthy.

C.To have a real family. D.To fly to America.

2.What's the writer's favourite sport according to the passage?

A.Football B.Skating C.Basketball D.Tennis

3.What's the best title for the passage?

A.My dreams and plans for the future. B.My family in my life.

C.My dreams and family. D.The Statue and Liberty.

