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The earthquake of the Indian Ocean

Have you heard of the earthquake(地震)of the Indian Ocean that happened(1)       the last Sunday of 2004? About 300,000 lost their lives in the earthquake. Do you know (2)      in an earthquake? Let me tell you. (3) During a quake, if you are in a room, you must get into the open air and stay away from buildings, trees, and other dangerous things. You mustn't stay in a door way or in a corner or get under a heavy desk or table. If you drive a car, a truck or a bus, you must drive it to the side of the road and stop. After a quake, you must check everyone in your family for safety and see if gas(煤气), water and electrical(电的)lines are OK. Please don't use any electrical machines, for there may be something wrong with the lines.



A.what to do B.what to do it C.how to do D.how we should do



4.If you are driving a car, what should you do when the earthquake happens? (根据文章内容回答问题)


5.List two pieces of advice to protect yourself when you meet an earthquake. (当你遇到地震时,列举两条保护自己的建议)


