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1. Many students feel stressed around big moments in their lives like during final exams or when applying to college. Stress can be a pretty dangerous thing, because it can cause you to become sick. Here are some ways to deal with stress:

Laugh .Laughter is really one of the best medicines. When things get stressful, do things that make you laugh. Watch a funny movie. 2. Chat with friends and family.

Take a Deep Breath. Breathing is a great way to reduce your stress. Taking deep breaths or doing breathing exercises may seem silly, but it does help you relax and clear up your mind.

Plan Ahead .Most students tend to study hard when test time comes close or do their homework right before it is due. 3. Give yourself the proper amount of time to complete tasks, and break those tasks down into manageable positions.

Sleep .Sleep is another great tool in reducing stress. It is necessary that we allow our bodies to recover from daily stress. 4. As you know, a lack of sleep can be bad for your health.

Learn to Say “No” .5. So there are times when it is okay to say “no” to the requests of friends, families and teachers. If it is going to add too much to your stress level, just say so.

A.There are a lot of ways to deal with problems.

B.Sometimes life gets pretty stressful.

C.Read an interesting book.

D.Some stress comes from doing everything you’re asked to do.

E.You should be getting at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep each night.

F.However, having a plan will do a lot to decrease your stress.

G.You can lose yourself for a while in the music.

