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As a parent, it’s necessary to know how to best support your child in school. Today we’ll talk about how you can support your child.

1)Your child will be tired. The new school year means a while new schedule(进度表),so with the period may come a bit of fatigue.

You should:

●Make sure your child get enough sleep.

●Prepare and pack in the evening for the next day of school.

2) Your child may feel nervous. Everything is new! Everything is different!

You should:

●Talk, talk, talk! Ask about the day and ask how he’s feeling.

●Know your child. Maybe he needs a bit of time after school and wants to talk in the evening, or maybe he’s tired in the evening and wants to chat after school. Find it out an follow!

3) Your child wants to do well. He really does. Remember that no matter what last year looked like, this year is a fresh and new start!

You should:

●Make it clear that you want to help him.

●Celebrate successes!

4) Your child really needs you. No matter what he says, your child needs you.

You should:

●Be there when he needs you.

●Know what is going on. Know what your child needs for class and get it for him.

1.What does the underlined word “fatigue” mean in Chinese ?

A. 疲倦   B. 亢奋   C. 尴尬   D. 孤独

2.What should parents do if their child feels nervous ?

A. Tell him to get enough sleep.   B. Have a relaxing chat with him.

C. Tell him to be independent.   D. Get everything ready for him.

3.What can be the best title for the passage ?

A. Learn to let go   B. Schoolchildren are not easy

C. Problems of schoolchildren   D. Ways to support schoolchildren

4.We can probably find the reading in a(n)_____ magazine.

A. travel   B. business   C. education   D. sports

5.Who might be interested in this reading ?

A. Students.   B. Parents.   C. Teachers.   D. Doctors.

