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单词填空 (10分,每小题1分)

1.People in Wenchuan,Sichuan Province are quite ________ (感激) to the army for what they did after  the 2008 earthquake.

2.The farmers were forced, not ___________(说服) to sell their fields to the property developer at a very  low price.

3.I still r_________ Edward immediately at the Halloween party even if he wore a frightening mask(面具).

4.The freeway back to Shenzhen was seriously b_________ because of a car accident.

5.Old westerners usually live alone without their children nearby, so they often raise dogs for       c__________.

6.Her ________(迷惑不解) look suggests that she has not learned about her son’ death.

7.Will you please tell me more about the event? I just had a quick look at the h_________ of the  newspaper when I was on the subway.

8.It’s widely believed that products made in Germany are of good q________.

9.Students on the mainland are mostly not interested in studying in Taiwan because it is __________ (不合法) for them to find a part-time job when they study there.

10.Franklin D. Roosevelt, one of the greatest American p___________, died on April 12th, 1945, just a few months before the final victory over Nazi.

