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Good morning, everyone! I'm Li Hong. It's time_______my radio show Healthy Life. Welcome to my _______! Here are the results of a survey on the citizens(市民的)________Most citizens exercise four_______five times a week. Some citizens exercise_______a week. Some citizens are very_______ and exercise every day. They think taking_______ exercise is good for their health. It can_______them to work better. I think so._______.It's very important for us to have a__________ lifestyle.So I think we should________to take part in all kinds of sports. As for the sports they________, most citizens enjoy running. Some citizens do morning_________ Some citizens do Chinese kung fu in the park. There are many other sports to________, such as swimming and skating.

That's all for today. Thanks________listening.

1.A.at B.for C.in D.on

2.A.room B.show C.hobby D.collection

3.A.sports B.hobbies C.habit D.jobs

4.A.so B.and C.or D.but

5.A.two B.two times C.twice D.second

6.A.busy B.tired C.funny D.active

7.A.many B.more C.less D.little

8.A.order B.want C.help D.tell

9.A.also B.or C.but D.too

10.A.different B.healthy C.interesting D.friendly

11.A.try B.dislike C.stop D.learn

12.A.hope B.find C.keep D.like

13.A.exercise B.exercising C.exercises D.exercised

14.A.teach B.play C.visit D.make

15.A.in B.at C.on D.for

