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There are only a few truly pleasant smells to wake up to in the morning. It might be the aroma of freshly baked bread, or the scent of your partner’s freshly brushed teeth - but for me, it’s the smell of freshly cooked coffee. Just a sniff of it makes me jump out of bed and rush to the kitchen for a gulp(大口) of the hot black liquid.

I also know the experience when I walk into a cafe for my double espresso(浓缩咖啡) or flat white, my mouth begins to water in advance. Although it’s really the caffeine hit I’m after, it’s the smell that makes me feel good.

However, this feeling sometimes turns to disappointment when I actually start drinking my hot coffee - the taste just doesn’t match the smell. This is particularly the case when I order a coffee to go in a tall paper cup and sip the liquid through a hole in the lid. Yes, it’s convenient, but is it really the right way to appreciate it?

Tim Hayward, a food writer and coffee shop owner,describes this process as “strange”. He says, “You walk into the coffee shop, you get the smell, but when you actually take the drink out, you are drinking it from something that is designed to deliver the hot liquid directly past your tongue, but stop any smell coming up to your nose.”

As well as removing the smell, takeaway coffee cups create a lot of waste and a vast majority of them still don’t get recycled. In 2011, it was estimated that 2.5 billion coffee cups were thrown away each year in the UK, and that figure is likely to be higher now. So maybe now is the time to really wake up and smell the coffee by drinking from a cup or mug in a cafe, chatting with friends and saving the planet!

1.From the first two paragraphs we know ________.

A.the author loves coffee alone

B.the smell of coffee is pleasant

C.people smell one scent at a time

D.smells are used to wake up people

2.What sometimes disappoints the author when drinking coffee?

A.The way to enjoy coffee.

B.Coffee doesn’t taste tasty.

C.No partner shares coffee with him.

D.The type of coffee he likes isn’t available.

3.What made Tim Hayward feel strange?

A.The smell of coffee.

B.Hot coffee without smell.

C.Treating coffee just as hot liquid.

D.Drinking coffee in the coffee shop.

4.What can be implied in the last paragraph?

A.People recycle coffee regularly.

B.Takeaway coffee is of high quality.

C.Pollution caused by coffee cups is growing.

D.A cup or mug is widely used for drinking coffee.

