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At just 12 years old, Leonardo Nicanor Quinteros is still in middle school, 1. but he has already run his own free school. He helps other children with their studies.

Leonardo loves to study. After seeing some of his classmates trying to keep up at school, he decided to do something about it. Last year, he told his grandmother that he wanted to have his own school. 2. 他要奶奶帮他把学校建在他们家隔壁。She agreed. Today, the free school has nearly 40 students. The boy acts as teacher and headmaster. 3. He is proud that what he does has already made a big difference to many of the children there.

The school is not much to look at. It's made mostly of adobe(土砖) and is pretty small. 4. 但是,在邻居们的帮助下,学校正变得越来越好。Leonardo lives 20 minutes away from his own school. But every day he gets on his bicycle after coming home from school and rides to his own school. He teaches classes on different subjects, like math and grammar. Sometimes, 5. when his students cannot come, he gives the classes at night to make sure they don't get behind on their studies.

Leonardo does his best to help students improve their subjects. Many admit (承 认) that they have improved a lot. “He helped me to pass the tests, now I'm in Third Grade,” one of the students said.






