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The History of Tofu

In China

1.Over 2000years ago, there was an ancient picture which shows a kitchen scene where soya milk and tofu were being made;

2.At about AD 1500,apoem called“Ode to Tofu" was witten by Su Ping.

In Japan

1.Duinghe Nara era (奈良时代), Kento broug tofu back to Jpan from China;

2. In 1489, the word "tofu" was first written in the actual Japanese characters;,

3.In 1782,a popular cooking book Tofu Hyakuchin was published.

In Westem Countries

1.In 1603, a Spanish book A Cllecion of Voyages and Travels introduced how tofu was made;

2. In 1704, the book A Cllection of Voyages and Travels was published in English;

3. In 1880, tofu was first produced in France by Pillieux;

4. In 1895, tofu was made in San Francisco, US.

1.Which of the following was the earliest evidence(证据)of tofu production?

A.A book. B.A poem. C.A picture.

2.The word “tofu” was first mentioned in Western World in    .

A.1489 B.1500 C.1603

3.According  to  the  information  above,  tofu  was introduced in    foreign languages.

A.Four B.Five C.Six

