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Humans live in a society. Not only verbal (语言的) communication, we also use our bodies to help us better express our thoughts and feelings. This non-verbal communication is known as body language.

Body language is made up of things like facial expressions (面部表情), eye contact and body movements. In fact, it came to be used as a form of communication before humans could speak or write. We can tell a lot about what a person is thinking or feeling just by looking at them.

Body language is so widely used that you may not realize that you are sending many messages to others, though you haven’t said anything.

For example, you might move your head from side to side to express the word “no” instead of saying the word. You might give a “thumbs up” to show that you like or agree with something. You might cross your fingers in the shape of a heart if you want to show love.

But since we are spending more time online, we may not have as many face-to-face communications as before. Because of this, our ways of non-verbal communication have changed, but it is still an important way to show our thoughts.

Our “digital (数字的) body language” is becoming increasingly important as we change how we communicate. For example, instead of using voice messages, you can video chat with your friends to show them your smiling face.

Another way to express your feelings digitally is using emojis (表情符号).

“When we are communicating online, we are only showing the content and leaving out voices and facial expressions,” Moitree Banerjiee, a researcher at the University of Chichester in England, told Digital Trends. That’s why emojis can help much in communication.

Whether using video chat to show your expression or sending an emoji, don’t forget the importance of digital body language and non-verbal communication.

What body language is

◆It is a way of expressing our thoughts and feelings1. using words.

◆It 2.facial expressions, eye contact and body movements.

Traditional body language


◆It came to be used as a form of communication before people spoke or 3..

◆A lot of 4.are sent to others though you have said nothing.


◆Giving a “thumbs up” shows people’s love or5..

◆You can cross your fingers to 6.the shape of a heart to represent love.

7.body language


It’s becoming more important because we spend more time online and have 8.face–to-face communications.


◆Comparing with voice messages, people9.video chatting to show their smiling faces.

◆Emojis play an important role in online communication.


10.non-verbal communication may change in the forms, it’s still very important to show people’s thoughts and feelings.

