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How Arts Contribute to Our Economy

When it comes to arts, most people tend to imagine the end product, beautiful paintings, wonderful pieces of music, or award-winning performances in the theater. But arts groups bring broader value to communities. 1..

The arts create jobs that help develop the economy. Any given performance takes a tour bus full of artists, technical experts, managers, musicians, or writers to create an appealing piece of art.2.. Another group of folks is needed to help market the event. Digital media experts, photographers, booking agents and promoters(推广者) are hired to sell tickets and promote the event.

3.. Here is an example. In 2005, when the Bishop Arts Theatre was donated to a town in Dallas, the location was considered a poor area. After putting more than $1 million in reconstructing the building, they began producing a full season of theater performances, jazz concerts, and year-round arts education programs. Soon, waves of jazz lovers flooded in to enjoy an evening. Then, came a series of work force outside the arts industry, including accountants, marketers, hotel managers, printers, and other kinds of workers. 4..

Definitely, arts are efficient economic drivers when supported. It’s wrong to have prejudice against majors in art and assume arts groups cannot make a profit. But to stay in business, arts groups must produce returns. 5.. But those who truly understand the economic effect and can work to change the patterns can create a wide range of career possibilities.

A.Here are some tips on how to achieve profits in the arts.

B.Here are some ways in which the arts benefit our economy.

C.A successful arts neighborhood creates a chain effect throughout a community.

D.These people earn a living income for their professional knowledge and skills.

E.No doubt the theater has contributed to the area’s development and economic growth.

F.To be major in the arts, you need to have an understanding of the brilliant potential of your choice.

G.If you are a student considering taking up the arts, chances are you have been ill-advised to have a plan B.

