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Are you the only child in your family? Have you heard of “the two-child policy (政策)”? Everyone knows the one-child policy. It was a population control method in our country. Chinese government wanted to control the increasing population at that time. Many Chinese couples understood that and followed this policy for nearly 40 years.

However, as time goes by, some problems appear in our society. At present, these problems are mainly about:

●The number of workers changed from about 960 million in 2010 to 940 million in 2012. The number changed to 930 million in 2014 and will possibly fall by 29 million by 2020.

●China is now getting into an aging society. There will be more old people in the following years. But the society will be short of doctors and nurses to take care of them.

●The population of China will become smaller and smaller if one-child policy goes on. It's the main reason that leads to the two problems above.

That’s why Chinese government began the two-child policy on January 1st, 2016. It allows each family to have two children. The government hopes it can help solve those social problems gradually (逐渐地). This policy will help offer enough workers in the future. It is reported that there will be around 2.5 million newly-born babies each year.

1.From the passage, we know the one-child policy __________.

A.was a population control method in China B.helped increase the population of China

C.was not followed by Chinese couples D.caused many problems 40 years ago

2.The number of workers was __________ in 2012.

A.960 million B.940 million C.930 million D.29 million

3.Which of the following is NOT the main problem at present?

A.The number of workers is getting smaller.

B.China is now getting into an aging society.

C.The population of China will become smaller.

D.Doctors and nurses wouldn’t like to take care of old people.

4.Chinese government began __________ on January 1st, 2016.

A.the one-child policy B.the two-child policy

C.to think about the problems D.to set up more hospitals

5.You will probably read this passage in “__________” in a magazine.

A.Traveling and Transport B.Food and Health C.Society and History          D.Science and Art

