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Lost: A mountain bike

I’m David Hank. I’m in Class 1. I can’t find my bike. It’s white and orange. Please call

me at 332-3907 or my friend Judy. Her phone number is 330-3061.

Thank you so much.

Found: An English-Chinese dictionary

Is this your dictionary? It’s red. Find me in Room 307. I’m only here on Monday morning.

Or you can call Jessie at 309-3829.

1._______lost a bike.

A.David B.Judy C.Jessie

2.Li Mei lost her dictionary. What can she do?

A.She can call Jessie at 309-3829.

B.She can go to Room 307 at 3:00 p.m.

C.She can go to find Jessie for help in Class 1.

3.Which of the following is True(正确的)?

A.Judy’s bike is white and orange.

B.David and Judy are good friends.

C.Jessie found an English-Chinese dictionary in Room 307.

