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P1Some people have lot of hair while others have a little. Some people have no hair on the top of their head; they are bald. The important thing is -- are you happy with the hair you have?

P2Problem hair is often a result of an unhealthy diet and lifestyle.

P3To ensure your hair looks its best, pay attention to what you eat. Lack of protein and iron makes your hair less shiny. So, you need adequate amounts of green vegetables, fruits and dairy products. Drink eight to ten glasses of water a day. This will help keep your hair from becoming dry. Avoid eating sweets or high-fat foods. They can slow hair growth.

P4Stress in your life can also secretly rob your hair of its shiny beauty. Relaxing music and more rest are both remedies for stress.

P5In addition, remember to rinse your hair thoroughly after you shampoo it. Brushing your hairregularly will help it grow. It will also make it look healthy. Do not rub your hair too quickly when you dry it. It could damage your hair.

P6Last, be sure to choose the right hair products. The choices you make are they key to healthy hair.

1.The author mentions the different people’s hair in paragraph 1 to ________.

A.introduce the following topic of hair care

B.show the importance of having a lot of hair

C.stress people’s dissatisfaction with their hair

D.describe the current situation of hair care market

2.According to the passage, if you want to fasten hair growth, you can ________.

A.have more green vegetables and dairy products

B.eat fewer candies or foods containing much fat

C.drink eight or more glasses of water a day

D.listen to relaxing music and take more test

3.The meaning of word “regularly” (in Para 5) is closest to ________.

A.often B.thoroughly

C.quickly D.happily

4.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A.Bald? It’s impossible! B.Healthy life, healthy hair!

C.To be bald or hairy? It’s a question. D.More Exercise, More Food, More Hair!

5.Which of the following structures matches the passage above?

A. B.

C. D.

