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Early in my teaching career, I heard countless(无数的 )excuses for why students didn’t have their homework. As time passed, I grew tired of hearing“ I don’t have my homework because…”, so 1 stopped accepting any ______

______ I taught in a new inner-city school. I______my eighth graders with“ No excuses! ”I ____homework at the beginning of each class. when a student didn’t have it. I never asked why. ____, I sighed loudly, shook my head and recorded a zero. I soon gained the reputation(名声)I thought I wanted.

One afternoon, shortly after school. Anthony______me. His lower lip quivering(轻微颤抖).“It’s just that……well, my _______work at night. I have to look after my little brothers. so I can’t _____. My homework.……”I put my hand on his shoulder. “Why are you just now telling me……?”I______in mid-sentence. I knew why. So I changed the______. “Would it help if you stayed here______school?”He swallowed hard and nodded.

The next day, I announced to all my students that I’d be_______an after-school study. Before long, more_______joined Anthony, I soon had a large number of ____, such as “I don’t have my homework ______ I don’t have any paper in the house. ”All, however, were very_______.

The things I learned weren’t_______in the education classes in college. I have discovered that not all kids have enough school______.Some don’t have a home where a parent is_______around. I have also learned that “I’ll listen”works a lot ______ than“No excuses!”

1.A. homework B. condition C. c1ass D. excuse

2.A. Later B. Late C. Earlier D. Early

3.A. warned B. charged C. punished D. embarrassed

4.A. designed B. announced C. prepare D. collected

5.A. Still B. Instead C. Besides D. Indeed

6.A. left B. approached C. consulted D. begged

7.A. friends B. teachers C. parents D. classmates

8.A. relax B. hesitate C. interrupt D. concentrate

9.A. stopped B. complained C. glance D. whispered

10.A. status B. question C. decision D. behavior

11.A. at B. behind C. before D. after

12.A. checking B. canceling C. offering D. experiencing

13.A. fan B. players C. students D. boys

14.A. stories B. lies C. slogans D. bargains

15.A. if B. because C. though D. until

16.A. real B. annoying C. enjoyable D. funny

17.A. taught B. shared C. required D. commended

18.A. trips B. uniforms C. supplies D. activities

19.A. seldom B. yet C. never D. even

20.A. faster B. better C. harder D. worse

