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There once lived a man with his wife and children in a very small house. There was always noise in his house as his children played, laughed and sang. The man could find no peace at all in his house, so he decided to ask a wise old woman for help.

He told her about his problem. “Bring all of your farm animals into doors to live in your house,” advised the woman. “Bring in your sheep, horses, cows, chickens…” The man thought it was not good. But since the old woman was known for her wisdom(智慧), he agreed to do as she said. He went home and brought inside all the farm animals he had.

As you could imagine, it was out of order at home. The animals made all kinds of noise. The man could find no peace at all, so he went back to ask the wise old woman. She listened patiently to his complaint(抱怨), and then offered some new advice. “Go home and take all of the animals out of your home.”she said. The man was surprised, as it had been only a few days since she had advised him to bring them all into his house. But he agreed to follow her instructions. He returned to his house and drove all the animals outside. To his surprise, his home became peaceful.

We should see how bad things can get before we thank for what we already have.

1.Why did the man decide to ask a wise old woman for help? (根据短文内容回答问题)


2.What did the wise old woman advise the man to do for the second time? (根据短文内容回答问题)


3.How did the man feel after he drove all the animals outside? (根据短文内容回答问题)


4.In the passage the underlined word “them” refers to (指)________.

5.The topic sentence(主题句) in this passage is“________”.

