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Dear Li Dan,

I am a high school student in the UK. I have just 1.(read) your article about what you experienced in the UK. I would like to make 2.(friend) with you. First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Daniel Adams. I have a best friend w3.name is Judy. I am really fond of reading books, and that is why my f 4.subject is literature. At the weekend, I like playing football and surfing. I also enjoy 5.(eat) sweets, so I never miss dessert at dinner.

I did not realize schools in the UK are so d6.from schools in China until I read your article. I7.must have been quite a struggle for you to become used to the life in a British school. I really have respect for everything that you have achieved. Next year, I plan on8.(attend) a high school in China on a student exchange program, and I find your article a great 9.(encourage) to me. I would love to meet you when I go to China. Please write to me soon! I’m looking f10.to hearing from you!

Daniel Adams

