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Six excellent students from the Liverpool City Academy celebrated their success after Prime Minister , Tony Blair , p_1._them with the top award in the competition. Their idea of greeting cards impressed the judges(评委) and they w_ 2._a prize of £10,000 for their school and £500 for each member of the winning team. The judges p_ 3.__the team members for “their excellent business plan, the quality of their greetings cards and their creative w 4. of selling”.

The head of the City Academy was delighted by the team’s success. “ We are very p_5._ of what the team has done. The students worked very hard, which l_ 6.__to their success.”

One of the members told us ,” The best part about the business was working together a_7._a team. That’s what helped us to be s  8.. We all had d_  9.___talents and strengths.” And the w_ 10._ team agreed that running the business was a great way to learn and the experience would help them when they were running their own businesses in the future.

