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Yang Yang was a native of Liaoning Province. When he was in Grade Two, his   got worse. Later he was found to have   sick changes to his retina (视网膜). At 15, he had to   school because of his injured eyes.

“Though I   my eyesight, I wanted very much to read and study, even if just for   ,” Yang says. “My parents   my eyes. They have read to me since my childhood.”

Yang   the national college entrance exam and entered the Changchun University of Chinese Medicine, where he   acupuncture (针灸). In 1999, Yang graduated from college and decided to go on for   education.

Later Yang bought a special software (软件) which helped him to   the Internet and send e-mails. With the software, Yang hoped to       a postgraduate (研究生) degree. But he found that no Chinese   offered such degrees specifically for sight-injured people. As the first step toward getting a post-graduate     from a foreign university, Yang decided to take the TOEFL for the blind.

After   English through computers, Yang took the test in Hong Kong,     a mark of 97 out of 120. After taking part in video interviews and   the necessary forms and papers, Yang was  47  to the University of Southern California.

“Studying can help me   my life. One can change one’s life through effort. I   believe that with effort, a child can draw a    world if you give him a pen and paper,” Yang says.

1.A. eyesight       B. health      C. hearing      D. study

2.A. rescued        B. ignored     C. suffered      D. treated

3.A. look         B. attend   C. take        D. leave

4.A. imagined      B. lost       C. recovered     D. caught

5.A. education        B. fun        C. experience    D. knowledge

6.A. cared for     B. looked after    C. acted as      D. kept off

7.A. passed       B. made       C. tried       D. broke

8.A. offered       B. picked       C. received     D. studied

9.A. more       B. quicker       C. easier      D. further

10.A. surf         B. repair       C. build       D. accept

11.A. buy         B. start        C. get        D. keep

12.A. hospitals       B. universities    C. departments    D. groups

13.A. course       B. material     C. test         D. degree

14.A. learning       B. translating     C. speaking     D. remembering

15.A. breaking       B. scoring      C. discovering     D. starting

16.A. looking through   B. putting up     C. handing in       D. carrying on

17.A. admitted       B. turned     C. promised     D. refused

18.A. affect        B. keep       C. find       D. improve

19.A. firmly        B. hardly       C. only       D. partly

20.A. popular       B. beautiful     C. natural      D. real

