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Public distrust of scientists stems in part from the blurring of boundaries between science and technology, between discovery and manufacture. Most governments, perhaps all governments, justify public expenditure on scientific research in terms of the economic benefits the scientific enterprise has brought in the past and will bring in the future. Politicians remind their voters of the splendid machines “our scientists” have invented, the new drugs to relieve old disorders, and the new surgical equipment and techniques by which previously unmanageable conditions may now be treated and lives saved. At the same time, the politicians demand of scientists that they tailor their research to “economics needs”, and that they award a higher priority to research proposals that are “near the market” and can be translated into the greatest return on investment in the shortest time. Dependent, as they are, on politicians for much of their funding, scientists have little choice but to comply. Like the rest of us, they are members of a society that rates the creation of wealth as the greatest possible good. Many have reservations, but keep them to themselves in what they perceive as a climate hostile to the pursuit of understanding for its own sake and the idea of an inquiring, creative spirit.

In such circumstances no one should be too hard on people who are suspicious of conflicts of interest. When we learn that the distinguished professor assuring us of the safety of a particular product holds a consultancy with the company making it, we cannot be blamed for wondering whether his fee might conceivably cloud his professional judgment. Even if the professor holds no consultancy with any firm, some people may still distrust him because of his association with those who do, or at least wonder about the source of some of his research funding.

This attitude can have damaging effects. It questions the integrity of individuals working in a profession that prizes intellectual honesty as the supreme virtue, and plays into the hands of those who would like to discredit scientists by representing them as corruptible. This makes it easier to dismiss all scientific pronouncements, but especially those made by the scientists who present themselves as “experts”. The scientist most likely to understand the safety of a nuclear reactor, for example, is a nuclear engineer, and a nuclear engineer is most likely to be employed by the nuclear industry. If a nuclear engineer declares that a reactor is unsafe, we believe him, because clearly it is not to his advantage to lie about it. If he tells us it is safe, on the other hand, we distrust him, because he may well be protecting the employer who pays his salary.

1.What is the chief concern of most governments when it comes to scientific research?

A. The reduction of public expenditure.   B. Quick economic returns.

C. The budget for a research project.   D. Support from the voters.

2.Why won’t scientists complain about the government’s policy concerning scientific research?

A. They know it takes patience to win support from the public.

B. They realize they work in an environment hostile to the free pursuit of knowledge.

C. They think compliance with government policy is in the interests of the public.

D. They are accustomed to keeping their opinions to themselves.

3.According to the author, people are suspicious of the professional judgment of scientists because ______.

A. some of them do not give priority to intellectual honesty

B. sometimes they hide the source of their research funding

C. they could be influenced by their association with the project concerned

D. their pronouncements often turn out to be wrong

4.Why does the author say that public distrust of scientists can have damaging effects?

A. Scientists themselves may doubt the value of their research findings.

B. People will not believe scientists even when they tell the truth.

C. It makes things difficult for scientists to seek research funds.

D. It may wear out the enthusiasm of scientists for independent research.

