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Do you know sand has been used to draw pictures since ancient times? Today, sandpainting, an interesting art, will be introduced to you.

Sandpainting is an art of using the sand to make a fixed or unfixed painting. Maybe we all played fixed sandpainting as we were young. We first painted a simple picture, then we brushed glue to the section, and at last we poured colored sand onto the glue in order to make it fixed.

Unfixed sandpaintings have a long cultural history around the world. People poured sand on a surface to make paintings or use some tools to draw pictures in the sand directly. They are often temporary(临时的) Different people draw sandpaintings to express different meanings:love of nature, admiration for God or love of beauty.

Nowadays, sandpainting becomes a performance art and its popularity has risen. On the stages, sandpainting performers make a series of images by drawing lines and figures in the sand with their fingers and hands. The series of images are used to tell a story

Kseniya Simonova, who is from Ukraine, is one of the greatest sandpainting performers in the world. People call her "The Lady of the Sand”.

Simonova said that she never dreamed she’d become a sand artist, and when she began practicing, she nearly gave it up. But she persevered, looking after her baby in the daytime and training every night. You Are Always Nearby is one of the most famous performances of Simonova. It is a story about a young couple separated by a war in which the soldier is tragically (悲惨地)killed, but returns in spirit to watch over his wife and child. This performance makes all audience(观众)cry

Art is everywhere and is not far away from common people. Art of painting is in our life,even in the sand.

1.Which of the following is necessary to make a fixed sandpainting?

A. Water   B. A printed picture.

C. Colored paper.   D. Glue

2.What does Paragraph 4 mainly talk about?

A. Sandpainting is becoming more and more popular.

B. A great sandpainting performer in the world

C. A story about a young couple separated by a war.

D. What sandpainting tries to express.

3.The underlined word "persevered" can be replaced by         .

A. set off   B. gave out   C. held on   D. ended up

4.What do we know about Simonova according to the passage?

A. She is the best painter in the world.

B. Being a sand artist is her biggest dream.

C. She once gave up performing for her family.

D. Her performances are popular with people.

