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How many calories are there in every meal you eat? That seems like a difficult question to answer. But students at Aitkin High School in the United States can easily answer it now. They put what they eat into an online calorie counter(计算器). It quickly measures the amount of calories in their meals.

In fact, this is part of the school’s health class. It includes heart health, nutrition and fitness. Students can learn basic knowledge about fats, proteins, calories and sugar.

Students learn how to balance calories in and out. They will know what happens when the balance isn’t there. “The online calorie counter has turned out to be a cool tool to help you make healthy choices. Making one healthy eating decision can really make a difference.” Adam Carlson, the teacher in charge, told local newspaper Aitkin Independent Age.

They also discus good ways to burn calories in the gym. According to Carlson, the gym is a great place to burn calories and get stronger. But it doesn’t work for everyone. So they try to find different workout tips. “I’m trying hard to teach the students that working out can be fun, challenging, and doesn’t need to take hours out of the day,” she said.

The class has indeed changed students. “I am now watching what I am eating and pay attention to the food labels,” said seventh-grader Karena Burgstaler. Another student James Erickson began to control his sugar input because it almost went over his daily calorie intake goal.

1.After taking the health class, the students ______.

A. pay more attention to food prices

B. eat more food with labels

C. try to keep a balanced diet

D. stop eating sugary food

2.What do we know about the students from the first two paragraphs?

A. They try to cook healthy food with fewer calories.

B. They learn about health and nutrition from a class.

C. They create a popular online calorie counter.

D. They teach people about food nutrition in class.

3.Which of the following will Adam Carlson agree with?

A. Calories matter more than protein.

B. Fewer calories means better health.

C. The calorie counter doesn’t help.

D. Healthy eating habits are important.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A. Eating with an online calorie counter

B. Counting calories to stay healthy

C. Opinions on how to balance your diet

D. A health class at Aitkin Independent Age

