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Miss White is in Beijing on vacation. Here is her hotel card. Have a look at it and answer the questions.

1.Where is Miss White?

A. In Dalian.   B. In Beijing.   C. In Shenzhen

2.Why does she go there?

A. For fun.   B. To shop.   C. To visit friends.

3.Where is the hotel?

A. Near the bank.   B. On Happy street.   C. Across from the park

4.Miss White can take       to the hotel.

①Bus No.3       ②Bus No.5

③Bus No.39      ④Bus No.103

A. ①②③

B. ②③④

C. .①③④

5.What can not we know about the hotel from the card?

A. The address (地址) of the hotel.

B. The telephone number of the hotel.

C. The cost (花费) of living in the hotel.

