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In the USA, books that tell how to do things are very popular today. Thousands of these “how to” books are selling __ in bookstores. In fact, there are about four thousand books with names that____the words “how to”. One book may tell you how to _   money, another may tell you how to spend it, and another may say how to give your money away.

Many “how to” books tell you how to__   They tell you how to choose a job and how to do it well. __     if you fail to get a job, you can buy a book called “how to__   _ money”. If you__   make any money at all, you may need a book with a name“how to live on nothing”.

Why do many of these books__   so popular? It is because life has become hard today and people have far more__  to face. “How to” books      people live through the modern life.

1.A. well     B. soon      C. slowly     D. badly

2.A. begin with  B. deal with   C. come up with  D. make up

3.A. study     B.make      C. get       D. use

4.A. keep healthy B. make progress . get jobs     D. do sports

5.A. However   B. In general   C. Luckily     D. Instead

6.A. need     B. invent     C. make      D. spend

7.A. nearly     B. never     C. always     D. ever

8.A.be       B. show     C.become     D. take

9.A. methods   B. secrets     C. problems     D. opportunities

10.A. ask     B. tell       C. help       D. lead

