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These inventions are making the world a better, smarter, and in some cases, a little more fun.

Easy-On Shoes

This year, Nike came out with their solution: the Flyease. The basketball shoe can be tied with only one hand. The idea for it came from "opening and closing a door," says Tobie Hatfield, the shoe’s inventor. A pair of Nike Flyease shoes sells for $130.

Bionic Ears (仿生耳)

If you’re tired of loud noise, you have two choices: cover your ears or leave. But what if you could turn off or lower the sound, just as you would on a TV? That’s the promise of the Here Active Listening system. The Bionic Ears are connected with a smartphone app. Users can pick which sounds they don’t want. They are priced at $249.

A Virtual Pencil and Paper

In the 450 years or so since its invention, the pencil has become so common; it’s easy to forget how great a technology it is. It writes darker when you press harder. Its marks can be erased. It’s difficult to copy the way it works. That’s what makes Apple’s latest effort so different. The Apple Pencil allows users to draw, paint, or write on a screen, just as they would on a sheet of paper. The Apple Pencil goes for $99.

The Artiphon

Having a hard time choosing an instrument (乐器)? You might want to try the Artiphon. It can imitate (模仿) dozens of instruments—not just how they sound but also how they’re played. It can be like a guitar. It can be like a piano. The Artiphon is priced at $399.

1.Matthew, a student with a disability of one arm, most probably chooses          .

A. Easy-On Shoes                  B. Bionic Ears

C. A Virtual Pencil and Paper            D. Be Creative

2.How much will you most probably pay if you are a music fan who is tired of loud noise?

A. $ 229.    B. $ 339.    C. $ 498.     D. $ 648.

3.What is the author’s purpose of writing this passage?

A. To introduce some problem-solving apps.

B. To call on more students to love inventing.

C. To share ways of making inventions.

D. To introduce some coolest inventions.

