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We all know that exercise is important to us.  I we exercise often, we will be healthy, happy and get a good sleep. Although we know that we'd feel well if we exercise, it can be very hard for us to keep doing it. Let me tell you some ways to get regular(有规律的) exercise.

Don't kid(欺骗) yourself

Although you may pay for swimming lessons, it doesn't mean you will go swimming. If you keep saying that you are always busy, you will never have time to exercise.

Do what you can

If you're really busy every day and have little time to exercise, you can walk to school or to your workplace.

Exercise first in the morning

It's a very nice way to start the day. After exercising, you will feel well all day.

Look for some ways to make exercise fun

Buy yourself an MP3. Go to a better swimming pool. You need to spend some money if that helps.


Ways to get regular 1.1.

Don't kid yourself

If you keep saying you're always busy, you'll 2.2.have time to exercise.

Do what you can

You can go to school or to your workplace 3. 3.

Exercise first in the morning,

Doing sports in the morning makes you feel 4. 4.

all day.

Look for some ways  on exercise can make it fun to make exercise fun

5. 5. on exercise can make it fun.

