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Jeff is fifteen now, but he’s still in Grade One. He likes playing________, he often plays it with his friends, but he does not like to use his head. He does not listen to his________in class, So he can not do his homework. His teachers don’t like him. They tell his parents________it, and they do not know what to do.

It’s Sunday today. Jeff gets up_______in the morning. After breakfast, his mother tells him to do his homework. He goes to his bedroom. ________his mother is busy with her housework, Jeff goes out with a ball. Now it’s time for lunch, but she can’t ________Jeff.

Later he comes back. His parents look very angry, but say________. After lunch,  Jeff wants to go out again. His father stops him and_________, “Is your homework over?’’

“No,” answers the boy, “I Can’t do it.” His father pulls(拉、拽)him by the________and says, “Where is your ear?” “Oh,dear!”Jeff calls out, “It’s in your________.”

1.A. games   B. football   C. with dogs   D. with birds

2.A. teachers   B. classmates   C. Tom   D. his friend

3.A. of   B. with   C. about   D. for

4.A. happy   B. quick   C. sad   D. early

5.A. When   B. Before   C. After   D. By

6.A. 1ook for   B. find   C. know   D. watch

7.A. everything   B. anything   C. something   D. nothing

8.A. speaks   B. talks   C. asks   D. tells

9.A. ear   B. eye   C. nose   D. leg

10.A. bag   B. hand   C. foot   D. head

