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1.Since she has been out of contact for two days, the family are all __________ (concern) about her safety.

2.After __________ (graduate) from college, Tim made a voyage to Australia before starting his career.

3.The manager thought John was a _________ (rely) person and told him all about the new plan.

4.With the quake shaking the town, some people ran up and down while others who __________ (trap) in the buildings were looking out of their windows for help.

5.Summer is alright, but Mary much __________ (prefer) the autumn.

6.He _________ (说服) me to buy the house and now I’m glad he did.

7.The typhoon ____________ (毁坏) all the crops in the little village.

8.The policeman was busy ___________ (使…冷静) the little boy down, who had been lost for four hours.

9.English has a large ___________ (词汇) with different usage so it’s not easy for a Chinese person to speak English as __________ (流利地) as a native English speaker.

