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She makes your lunches. She helps you with your h   (1)    after school. If you get sick, she always s    (2)   with you all day. Your mother is always there for you. That’s why there is a

s     (3)   day for the world’s mothers.

Mother’s Day b     (4)   a modern holiday about 100 years ago in the USA. A woman

n    (5)    Anna Jarvis and her mother, Anna Reese Jarvis, were living in a poor town. The two worked t     (6)   to make the town better. Jarvis’ mother died on Sunday, May 14, 1905. Two years l     (7)   , their church (教堂) held a Mother’s Day to honor (纪念) her for the h  (8)     she gave the town.

Today, people in more than 40 countries c    (9)    the day. They give their mothers carnations (康乃馨) and other p    (10)    . In the language of flowers, carnations mean happiness, sweetness and love. How do you show your mother you love her?

