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On weekdays(工作日) May gets up at 5:30 in the morning. She puts on her clothes and washes(洗) her face. She does morning exercises. Then she has breakfast at six thirty. She has eggs and a glass of milk for breakfast. And then she goes to school at 7:00. She does not like to be late(迟到). Classes(课) begin at eight. She works hard at lessons(功课). She has lunch at school. She usually has rice and meat. School is over at 4:30 in the afternoon. After class she likes singing. She goes home at five in the afternoon. In the evening her parents(父母) come back from work. They have supper at seven. They have some bread and vegetables for supper.

After supper she does her homework .Sometimes she watches TV(看电视) or reads story-books.She goes to bed at ten.

Her school life is happy.


1.May ________ at 5:30 in the morning on weekdays.

A. has breakfast   B. washes her face.   C. gets up   D. does morning exercises.

2.Where does May have lunch?

A. At home.   B. In the classroom.   C. At school.   D. In a restaurant.

3.What does May have for her lunch?

A. Rice and water.   B. Rice and meat.   C. Bread and a glass of milk.   D. Eggs and milk.

4.What does she do in the evening?

A. She does her homework.   B. She sings.   C. She watches TV.   D. Both A and C

5.Which of the following is right(正确) ?

A. Mary likes to be late for school.

B. Mary doesn’t work hard at her lessons.

C. In the evening her parents go to work.

D. Mary’s school life is happy.

