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An explosion( 爆炸)  from a factory in Kunshan killed at least 69 people and more than 120 people got hurt. China had its worst accident in industry on a Saturday in 2014.

The accident happened in Kunshan city, Jiangsu Province in China. And the explosion was from Zhongrong Metal Products Company, who makes car wheels for the U.S. The Kunshan government told us 264 workers were there when the explosion happened and 44 died at once. “We heard a really loud explosion at about 7 a.m. this morning, so we rushed out of our rooms, ” said Zhou Xu, a 26-year-old worker at that company. Another worker said, “First the ambulance came and then many wives rushed to the factory to see if their husbands were okay.”

Now, Shanghai government is sending doctors to Kunshan to save the wounded. And the doctor said the number of the dead may increase.

Chinese government is looking into the cause of the disaster. And President Xi also paid special attention to it. He said, “ Those who are found responsible(有责任的) must be punished.”

1.How many people died in the industrial accident?

A. 69.       B. 120.        C. More than 69.       D. 189.

2.Where did this accident happen?

A.  Kunshan city in Jiangsu  province.

B.  Kunshan city in Hunan province.

C.  Shanghai city in China.

D.  Kunshan in Shanghai city.

3.Who is Zhou Xu?

A.  The leader in Zhongrong Metal Products Company.

B.  A worker in Zhongrong Metal Products Company.

C.  Someone works for Kungshang government.

D.  The wife of one of the wounded .

4. What happened when the accident happen?

A.  Workers rushed out of their rooms.

B.  Ambulance came.

C.  Wives rushed to the factory to make sure of the safety of their husband.

D.  All of the above.

5.We can know from the doctor that ____________________________.

A.  there will be more deads

B.  there will be less deads

C.  many injured can be saved

D.  doctors can’t do anything for the injured

