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The rail network forms the backbone of the Chinese transport system and serves most of the cities 1.(visit) can explore much of China by train and many find it an efficient and inexpensive means of travel. The cost is around 25 percent 2.(little) than comparable air services.

In 2015, there was a total of 121,000 km of railway track in China, 3.(make) Chinese rail rank first in Asia. Double track railways covered 68,076 km, while electrified lines covered about 80,352 km. Now, The railway travels through 4. whole country. Beijing is the hub(枢纽)of the north-south lines 5. the west-east line centre is at Zhengzhou.

Chinese trains differ from those in other countries. In China, the accommodation on the trains 6.(divide) into four categories, namely, soft-sleeper, soft-seat, hard-sleeper and hard-seat.

There 7.(be) washrooms on the trains. The toilets, regardless of class, are not usually very clean and 8. is a good idea to bring your own toilet paper. 9.(boil) water is available on trains and dining cars on long distance routes only.

Reservations should be made in advance, especially during the holidays and travel season. Tickets may be purchased 10.(direct) from rail stations or booked a few days in advance from your travel agencies, hotels, or ticket office.

