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In America, when people say “man’s best friend”, they don’t mean another person. Instead, they are talking about a lovely animal—a dog! These words show the friendship between people and animals. Dogs and other pets can give joy to people’s lives. Some people think of their pets as their children. Some people even leave all their money to their pets when they die!

Animals can help people, too. Dogs can be taught to be the “eyes” for a blind person or “ears” for a deaf person. Scientists have found that pets help people live longer! They make people happier, too. Because of that, they bring animals into hospitals for “visits”.

Americans hold “Be Kind to Animals Week” in the first week of May. Pet shows are held during the week. Even if you don’t live in America, you, too, can do this. How? First think about how animals make your life richer. If you have a pet, take more time this week to play with it. Remember to give it delicious food.

If you don’t have a pet, be kind to animals around you. For example, if you see a street dog, just leave it alone, or make friends with it. If others around you do bad things to animals, try to speak up. As people, we must protect animals who can’t speak for themselves.

1.“Some people even leave all their money to their pets when they die!” is used to say that ________.

A. pets have the right to inherit (继承) money

B. money can make pets happy

C. it’s the best way to spend money

D. some pets are as important to their owners as their children

2.According to the passage, scientists bring the dogs to hospital because____.

A. they are ill and they need to see the doctor

B. they can make the patients happier

C. they can help the doctor find out the problems

D. the doctors can do experiment on them

3.What is the main idea of the passage?

A. A lot of people are interested in dogs.

B. Dogs can help people do many things.

C. Pets are lovely and need care and protection.

D. We have done a lot of things for pets.

