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There is no doubt that the world climate 1. (change) in recent years. Many people blame this change on gases such as carbon dioxide. Animals and humans produce carbon dioxide when they breathe. However, many other human 2. (activity) also let off carbon gases. Anytime something is burnt, carbon is put 3. the atmosphere. Cars and other vehicles burn petrol in their engines, and electrical power plants most often burn fuels such as coal and oil in order to produce electricity.4., the more petrol and electricity we consume, the 5. carbon we are letting off.

One thing we can do to help solve this problem is to walk or use 6. bicycle when possible. Of course, there are times 7. we need to travel long distances. In this case, public transport such as buses and the underground is always a much better choice than a private car or a taxi.

You can also plant a tree,8. trees absorb the carbon dioxide in the air to produce oxygen. Planting a small tree is cheap and easy, and two decades from now, when you look at 9. will have become a large tree, you will find a sense of satisfaction,10. (know) that you did your part to help solve the problem of climate change.

