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A horse doesn’t think she is beautiful. She goes to see the God, “My God! Thanks for giving me a beautiful body, but I want to be more beautiful.”

The God says, “What do you want to be like?”

The horse says, “If you can make my neck a little longer, my upper body will be more beautiful. And if you can make my legs much thinner, then my lower body will look more beautiful.”

Then the God makes her become a camel (骆驼). “Oh, God, I want to become more beautiful. But now ... ” says the horse.

The God says, “This is what you ask for.”

The horse cries, “Oh no, I don’t want to be a camel!”

The God says, “Never try to get more. If you want more and more, you will have no idea what the result (结果) will be.”

1.What does the horse go to the God for?

A. For some nice clothes.  

B. For some help.   

C. For many thanks.  

D. For some friends.

2.The horse wants to have     .

A. a short body with long legs 

B. a strong body

C. a long neck and thin legs

D. strong logs and a short neck

3.How does the horse feel after becoming a camel?

A. Very sad.       B. Very thankful.

C. Very happy.    D. Quite bored.

4.The horse thinks a camel is     .

A. nicer than a horse     B. stronger than a horse

C. uglier than a horse    D. thinner than a horse

5.What does the writer want to tell us in this passage?

A. To do more sports. 

B. Not to be beautiful.

C. Not to ask others for help.  

D. Not to ask others for more and more.

