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In the United States, Monday is the beginning of the workweek. Most Americans like that day _____. And it is certain that they like Saturday most. Saturday is the _______ of the workweek, and it is the beginning of the weekend. Life is ________ at weekends. Most Americans take care of their houses, cars and gardens. They _____ the feeling that time seems to move slowly. The workweek is for things you have to do, but the _______is for things you want to do. Some people may get in a car and go for a _______ in the country. They like to take part in outdoor activities. They _______ go to a public eating place or a film on Saturday night. The ______ of weekends is a recent invention (近期的发明). In the 1870s, rich people began to talk about _______ weekends visiting friends in the countryside (乡村). For most people back then, however, the workday was six days ______.

1.A. most   B. least   C. more   D. less

2.A. end   B. beginning   C. middle   D. starting

3.A. terrible   B. hard   C. different   D. same

4.A. hate   B. enjoy   C. remember   D. forget

5.A. weekend   B. weekday   C. week   D. workweek

6.A. walk   B. dance   C. drive   D. run

7.A. must   B. should   C. need   D. may

8.A. day   B. idea   C. programme   D. knowledge

9.A. costing   B. spending   C. paying   D. taking

10.A. long   B. short   C. early   D. late

