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Conformity involves changing your behaviour to “fit in” or “go along” with the people around you. In some cases, this social influence might involve agreeing with or acting like the majority of people in a specific group, or involve behaving in a particular way to be viewed as “normal” by the group. Actually, conformity is something that happens regularly in our social world. Sometimes we’re aware of our behaviour, but in many cases it happens without much thought or awareness on our parts. And even in some cases we go along with things we disagree with or behave in ways we know we shouldn’t.

There are countless examples of conformity in life. For instance, a teenager dresses in a certain style because he wants to fit in with the rest of the teenagers in his social group. A woman reads a book for her book club and really enjoys it. When she attends her book club meeting, the other members all dislike the book. Rather than go against the group opinion, she simply agrees with the others that the book is terrible.

Why do we conform? In many cases, looking to the rest of the group for clues for how we should behave can actually be helpful. Others might have greater knowledge or experience than we do, so following their lead can actually be instructive. And in some cases, we conform to the expectations of the group to avoid looking foolish. This tendency can become especially strong in situations where we aren’t quite sure how to act. Additionally, there are some situations where we conform just in order to avoid punishments or gain rewards.

There are many factors that influence conformity. For example, not knowing how to perform a difficult task makes people more likely to conform. Personal characteristics such as motivation to achieve and strong leadership abilities are linked with a decreased tendency to conform. And people are more likely to conform in situations that involve between three and five other people.

1.What can we learn about conformity from the first paragraph?

A. Actually it is rare for us to conform.

B. Blind conformity should be criticized.

C. Sometimes people tend to conform unconsciously.

D. Conformity means changing your behaviour reluctantly.

2.Which of the following is a case of conformity?

A. Joining a certain organization.

B. Following the ongoing fashion.

C. Sharing something personal with others.

D. Giving up your creative ideas cautiously.

3.When are we most likely to conform according to the text?

A. When we are at a loss.

B. When we are rejected.

C. When we feel threatened.

D. When we feel uncomfortable.

4.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A. Conformity cannot be avoided by anyone.

B. Conformity is linked to the size of the group.

C. Conformity is a natural response to challenges.

D. Conformity isn’t related to individual differences.

