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You’ve just found your dream job, but it pays less than the one you’ve working hard at right now. What should you do ? How can you make the right decision ?

When you have a difficult decision to make , you may probably think it over and over again for hours, weighting up all the advantages and disadvantages before coming to a decision .Or ,maybe you decide it quickly without thinking carefully .But according to scientific research, there’s a better way to do this: Sleep on it .

In a resent study , scientists made an experiment(实验). They offered the participants d(参加者) some information about different types of cars .And they asked them to decide hypothetically(假设地) which one would be the best fit. Some of them were asked to make the decision right away ,while others were asked to choose the next morning.

The result of the survey was interesting. The people who had a good night’s sleep were energetic the next morning .And they choose the best quality cars. But those who made quick decisions chose cars with bad quality.

So ,if someone asks you to make a big decision ,don’t rush to give an answer at once .Instead ,take a step back and get a good night’s sleep. Chances are that ,in the morning , you’ll know exactly what to do .

1.Which makes it hard for you to make a decision?

A. You get less money from the dream job.

B. You get more money from the dream job.

C. You get less money from the job you’re doing now.

D. You get no money from the job you’re doing now .

2.Which are the two ways to make a decision according to the passage/

A. To decide by oneself and to discuss it with friends ,

B. To think it over for hours and to think about it for a night .

C. To decide at once and to decide after a night’s sleep,

D. To decide at home and to decide in a car ,

3.What are offered to the participants in the experiment?

A. Some different types of cars

B. Some different types of ships

C. some information about different types of cars

D. some information about different types of ships

4.The writer wants to tell us that we should make a big decision______ .

A. at once.   B. at home

C. in a car   D. after a night’s sleep.

