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When the new school year is coming, many students buy new pencils, pens, erasers… But how can you save money on these school things? Here are some good ideas.

◆Have a look at your schoolbag and pencil box

When you want to buy new pencils, books and other school things, have a look at your schoolbag and pencil box. You may find some old books, pencils, pens…Then you don’t need to buy new ones.

◆Write a shopping list

You can go to buy some school things with a shopping list. You don’t need to buy what you don’t really need.

◆Buy old books or borrow books

You don’t need to buy all the new books. You can buy old ones or borrow some from your friends. It’s also good to read books in bookstores or in libraries.

1.How many ideas does the writer give to the students? ____________

A. Two   B. Three   C. Four

2.The word underline “save” means__________.

A. 节约   B. 挽救   C. 存储

3.What does students often buy at the beginning of the school year?__________

A. School things   B. School clothes   C. School desks

4.You shouldn’t buy _________, when the new school year is coming.

A. any new books   B. any old books   C. all the new books

5.Which of the following is right according to the passage?

A. You should buy what you really need.

B. You may get your school things from your friends.

C. It’s not good to read books in bookstores or in libraries.

