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Recently we did a survey in different grades at Red school in order to lean about students` ideal jobs. Here are three students’ ideas.

Mary who comes from Canada wants to be a fashion designer when she grows up, because she likes both beautiful and colorful clothes and she does well in drawing. Her art teacher often encourages her and takes pride in her.

Kate, an Australian girl, likes plants and wants to make the city more beautiful, so she wants to be a gardener. She often stays in her own garden, waters flowers, prunes(修剪)branches and plants trees.

Mike, aged 16, is a schoolboy in Grade Nine. He is good at drawing pictures, so his ideal job is to be an artist like his father who is a famous one in their town.


1.Mary wants to be an art teacher when she grows up.

2.Kate who is from Australia has her own garden.

3.According to the passage, Mike wants to be a gardener.

4.Both Mary and Mike are good at drawing.

5.Both Mike and his father are artists.

