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Mrs. Brown is from London in England, but she likes ________in China. She says her students all work veryand they are very friendly. She lovesvery much.

Mrs. Brown ________a son and a daughter. Her son’s name is Jack. He is ten. Her daughter’s name is Sue. She is seven old. They study in China. They don’t have classes ________weekends. They ________ their school very much.

After school, they often ________shopping or play sports. They help their mother some housework sometimes. They have a happy ________ .

1.A. works           B. studies              C. working            D. work

2.A. good           B. easy                 C. hard                        D. fast

3.A. them           B. they                C. their                        D. his

4.A. have          B. has                  C. there is           D. there are

5.A. years           B. year                 C. a year             D. young

6.A. to              B. on                  C. in                           D. of

7.A. see           B. like                  C. want              D. wants

8.A. goes            B. going               C. go                 D. to go

9.A. with            B. by                   C. at                 D. to

10.A. home        B. families             C. family             D. homes

