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Have you ever noticed that after about 6 months your perfectly new 1,000 dollar smartphone begins to slow down? What if I told you that it’s a sales strategy that pretty much all phone companies use to force people into buying new phones?

In late 2015,when Lisa Young was in charge of iOS security and beta software testing teams,her boss revealed a dark secret to her,saying that they were using a new strategy that would purposely slow down older phones every time the phone would upgrade to the latest opera ting system. This new method would force customers to buy the latest phone model,increasing sales by 70%.

She was a little disturbed to hear the news,but she just kept her head down and continued to do her job. After a while,the guilt of being involved with such a shady sales model started to weigh heavy on her. “How could a multi—billion dollar corporation continue to take advantage of the public like this?” she thought. In March of 2017,she contacted a reporter from CNN to finally leak the information concerning Apple slowing down phones.

The scandal(丑闻)went viral overnight,and every media outlet in the world,in every language was talking about it,making it one of the biggest controversies in consumer electronics history. A week later,she was secretly let go after her 8 years of service. Although she was taking a huge risk going against one of the most powerful corporations in the world,she felt a sense of relief exposing them. The public deserved to know and the fear became her motivation to find a way to destroy their shady sales model.

Several of her colleagues were fired with her. They quietly united,and after a year of extensive research they designed a unique product called Circa Charge that would reverse the negative effects of “software updates.” Phone companies have recently caught wind of their overnight success with CircaCharge and are trying to do everything they can to make this product illegal and ban it forever. Lisa and her team have ma de unbelievable progress in increasing battery life,battery health,and optimizing phone performance,and they will continue to develop new technology that will beat phone companies at their own game until they change their ways.

1.What can we learn about the new method mentioned in paragraph 2?

A. It is essential in the 1atest operating system.

B. It benefits users in upgrading their old phone.

C. It fool s customers into buying the latest model on purpose.

D. It is a successful sales strategy for advertising new soft wares.

2.What does the underlined phrase “kept her head down” in paragraph 3 refer to?

A. Lowered her head.

B. Nodded to show approval.

C. Pretended to know something.

D. Tried not to show she knows something.

3.How did Lisa Young feel after leaking the secret?

A. Disturbed. B. Relieved. C. Frightened. D. Disappointed.

4.From the passage,we know______________.

A. it's too tough for Lisa and her team to increase battery life

B. CircaCharge helps phone companies with software updates

C. Lisa struggles to force phone companies to change their current ways

D. phone companies find it essential to ban their illegal software for updating

