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Cheating happens a lot in our city. It can be hard to know who is really in 1 and who is trying to take advantage of other people's 2.

Recently, I was finishing my work at home 3 the dog barked letting me know that 4 was at the gate. I rushed to see who it was and there I saw a 5 weak woman in her late fifties. I said to her, "May I ask you what you 6?" She 7 , "Hello, my name is Mary. My husband and I live in the slum nearby. We earn our living 8 working at construction sites. A few days ago my 9 tripped on the stairs while

10  a heavy load. He is 11 hurt and hasn't been able to12for the past five days, so we have no food. Now he is at home in bed with a high fever. Please help me! I need to take my husband to a doctor!"

"Oh!" I said. "Please13 here." I went into the room. I felt really bad about her14  but--- Was she telling me the 15 or trying to cheat me out of my money?

Finally, I 16to help her. But first I said a simple prayer, "Dear Lord, you know17  I earn my pennies, so please make sure that my hard earned money helps those who18need it. Amen." I went out with a fifty note and

19it to her. The moment she got the money she broke down in tears. She took my hand and said, "May god bless you, my dear! Thank you so much!"

I was so 20, and turned back to my work smiling.

1.                A.need          B.case           C.use  D.Control

2.A. braveness      B. kindness      C. interest         D envy

3.                A.since          B.until           C.when D.after

4.                A.somebody      B.anybody        C.everybody D.nobody

5.                A.popular        B.proud          C.poor D.busy

6.                A.want           B.notice          C.enjoy D.recognise

7.                A.refused        B.expressed       C.showed   D.replied

8.                A.by             B.to             C.in   D.for

9.                A.son            B.father          C.brother   D.husband

10.               A.gathering       B.dropping       C.carrying   D.choosing

11.               A.hardly         B.badly          C.probably  D.actually

12.               A.work          B.drive          C.remove   D.operate

13.               A.stop           B.rest           C.come D.wait

14.               A.solution        B.situation        C.action D.position

15.               A.hope          B.news          C.truth D.result

16.               A.decided        B.agreed         C.tried D.expected

17.               A.when          B.whether        C.how  D.what

18.               A.only           B.naturally        C.really D.formally

19.               A.handed        B.put            C.reminded  D.ordered

20.               A.worried        B.moved         C.tired  D.frightened

