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New Kid in School

Jayden watched the kids on the school playground. Some were running and playing games, while others were kicking a dirty old football. It was his third day at his new school, and he ___________ someone would ask him to play. But no one did.

Jayden missed his old ___________ . "Why did we have to move?" he said to himself quietly. "I don't have any friends here. Back home, I had Shawn and Jorge and Nora."

When he reached his house, it was ___________ . Then he noticed a note. It read. "Barry and I are across the street at our neighbor's house. Come on over."

In the neighbor's backyard. Jayden saw his mother and a woman drinking tea and chatting. His three-year-old brother Barry was playing with a little girl in a sandbox.

"Hi!" his mother called. "How was school today?"

"Okay," Jayden said, ___________ it wasn't.

"This is our neighbor, Mrs. Ori, and her little girl Ava."

Just then Ava ___________ out for the toy car at Barry's feet.

"Uh-oh," Jayden thought.

The car was Barry's favorite toy, and if anybody else touched it, he would cry and kick. But that didn't ___________ . Instead. Barry watched Ava push the car through the sand. Then he picked up a toy truck and did the same.

That night, Jayden did some thinking. "Maybe I was wrong. I've been ___________ people to make friends with me. Maybe I should try to make friends with them," he said to himself.

The next day, Jayden took a football to school. He went to Tyler, one of the players, on the playground.

"Hi," Jayden smiled. "I got this new ball for my birthday. Do you want to try it instead of that old one?"

"Sure!" Tyler answered. "Do you want to be on my side? What position do you play?"

Out loud. Jayden said. "I'd love to."  To himself, he said. "Whoever thought I could ___________ something from my three-year-old brother!"

1.A. found   B. cared   C. wished   D. noticed

2.A. house   B. neighbors   C. city   D. friends

3.A. empty   B. cold   C. clean   D. noisy

4.A. and   B. though   C. because   D. so

5.A. went   B. reached   C. looked   D. jumped

6.A. happen   B. work   C. help   D. show

7.A. looking for   B. talking with   C. cheering on   D. waiting for

8.A. learn   B. protect   C. take   D. borrow

