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November 21, 2017 was the 45th World Hello Day. It first started on November 21, 1973. Taking part in this day is vey easy. All you have to do is to greet(问候) 10 people. Do you know how people in different countries greet each other?

We Chinese usually say “ni hao” when we meet someone. At school, we learn some ways to say hello in English. They are “How do you do?” and “How are you?” However, people from English-speaking countries seldom(很少) use them as greetings when they meet friends. Let’s have a look at some popular ones.

UK: “You all right?” “Yeah, you?” “I’m good.” This is a usual dialogue among British friends. Girls like saying nice words when meeting each other, such as “Hey, lovely.” Sometimes, people also say “How’s it going?” But it’s not a question. You can say it when you meet someone.

US: Americans say, “What’s up?” or “What’s good?” And people usually answer with “Not much.” or “Nothing.” Children often say, “Sup?” A popular greeting is “Hey, man.” But it is only among boys. Girls may say “Hey, girl”.

Australia: If you meet an Australian, you may hear “G’day, mate.”  It means “ Good day.” But with a strong accent , it sounds like “Good eye, mate.” Saying it! It’s an interesting accent. You can answer by the same way, “G’day.”

1.The first World Hello Day started in ____.

A. 2017   B. 2008   C. 1973   D. 1996

2.From Paragraph(段落) 2 , we can learn that____.

A. English is very important to Chinese students

B. “Ni hao” is a world-famous way to say hello

C. Now the British don’t use “How do you do?” very often

D. We can greet ten people from different countries

3.What do the girls in the UK say when meeting each other?

A. Sup?   B. Hey, lovely.   C. Hey, girl.   D. G’day, mate.

4.The underlined(下划线的) word  “accent”  means ____ in Chinese.

A. 口音   B. 气味   C. 风俗   D. 力量

5.What’s the best title(最佳标题) of the passage?

A. People From Four Countries   B. Make Friends with Others

C. English-speaking Countries   D. Different countries, different greetings

