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William just heard the news that his father had died and he was preparing to make flight arrangements. “I have to have my  _______  tidy for the funeral,” thought William. “I want to get a  _______  haircut.”

When he arrived at the barber’s shop, just like on any other Saturday, it was  _______   . Realising he had to get to the airport on time, he  _______ one of the barbers if he could get a  _______  right away. And he also explained his  _______ to her.

Nhanh Pham was the  _______  William spoke to, and after she finished with her customer, she asked William to sit in her chair _______  . William said “thank you” to her. While William was   _______   his hair cut, the other barbers came to William to ________  their condolences(慰问).

Pham finished the haircut and William prepared to  ________ her. As he was pulling out his money, Pham  ________ the payment. She told him the haircut was free, and she gave him some ________  that the barbers in the shop had collected. They wanted to make sure William would have some money to buy some   ________  for the funeral.

“They didn’t have to do that,” William said   ________. “They have done something beyond their duty.” William used the money to buy his  ________ a dozen roses.

“The way I feel is that it was no big   ________ ,” said Rosalie Le, one of the barbers who contributed to the  ________. “We are all human and we help each other.”

As for the woman who started the day’s  ________ , Pham, she said she had sympathy(同情)for William and wanted to do something  ________. Pham summed up her kindness by saying, “I felt sorry for him.”

1.A. suit   B. jacket   C. hair   D. tie

2.A. fresh   B. funny   C. cheap   D. strange

3.A. dirty   B. limited   C. empty   D. crowded

4.A. demanded   B. asked   C. waited   D. followed

5.A. haircut   B. ticket   C. reply   D. record

6.A. position   B. thought   C. promise   D. situation

7.A. customer   B. barber   C. teacher   D. guard

8.A. rudely   B. suddenly   C. politely   D. seriously

9.A. changing   B. keeping   C. having   D. checking

10.A. express   B. share   C. begin   D. carry

11.A. stop   B. thank        C . return      D. pay

12.A. accepted   B. refused   C. compared   D. expected

13.A. money   B. food   C. wine   D. water

14.A. pictures   B. cakes   C. clothes   D. flowers

15.A. hopefully   B. gratefully   C. luckily   D. perfectly

16.A. mother   B. wife.   C. father   D. friend

17.A. problem   B. trouble   C. deal   D. signal

18.A. collection   B. practice   C. experience   D. decision

19.A. sadness   B. safeness   C. loneliness   D. kindness

20.A. easy   B. nice   C. normal   D. hard

