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Welcome to Art Camps

Art classes are generally taught in all public and private schools ,but not all children are considered artists or enjoy art. For those kids who show talent or are interested in furthering their skills, many camps are available to enhance(提高) creative talent.

Camp Jam Chicago

Kids learn instrument-specific techniques, as well as how to play with a band. There’s also an overnight option.

Lake Forest Academy, 1500 W Kennedy Rd, Lake Forest


Jul.9-Jul.20    $399-$1595   Aged 12-17

Child’s Play Touring Theater

Drama loves will get to be writers, actors-and lots more -at this drama camp. Child’s Play Touring Theater focuses on ensemble building, artistic thinking and problem solving while training kid’s skills in acting writing and more.

2518 W Armitage Ave


Jun.18-Jul.20  $250  Aged 6 -13

Language And Music School

Kids learn Spanish via music-based and performance- based activities. Weather permitting, there are field trips to the bread store down the street and other nearby places.

150 N Oak Park Ave, Oak Park


Jun.18-Jul.21  $42-$76   Aged 2-9

Chamber Music Camp for Piano & Strings

Young pianists get coached by institute faculty while marking friends with other piano enthusiasts. Kids who are interested must submit a DVD.

Music Institute of Chicago, 40 E Old MILL Rd, Lake Forest


Jun.20-Jun.24     $380   Aged 10-18

1.Who would be interested in these art camps?

A. Kids who want to improve their skills.

B. Kids who intend to make new friends.

C. Kids who expect to find pleasure in art.

D. Kids who mean to become professionals.

2.If your kid wants to attend Camp Jam Chicago, how much should you pay?

A. At most $76.   B. $250.    C.  $380.    D. At least $399

3.Which is the best choice for a kid to learn Spanish?

A. Camp Jam Chicago.

B. Child’s play Touring Theater.

C. Language and Music School.

D. Chamber Music Camp for Piano & Strings.

