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Do you like visiting parks?The following three might be the ones that you are ______ in.

Hyde Park,______ royal park of the UK,lies in the center of London,next to Green Park.It was built to be a royal park in 1536.About one hundred years later,the park was ______ to the public.Speakers' Corner in Hyde Park is ______ all over the world.______ can make a speech there on Sunday afternoons.

Central Park is a man­made park in the center of Manhattan,New York.It took about 15 years ______ the park and in 1873 it was open to the public.______ 21 playgrounds and 2 zoos,Central Park is a wonderful place for children ______.

Banff National Park,the largest park in Alberta,Canada,was open in 1885.The park is as ______ as 6,641 km2.Whether by car,boat,bus,bike or on foot,you can enjoy the mountains,lakes,as well as the plants and wild animals.There're 3 famous ski areas in the park,which attracts ______ people to come every winter.

1.A. interesting   B. interested   C. relaxed

2.A. the biggest   B. bigger   C. biggest

3.A. popular   B. open   C. closed

4.A. different   B. famous   C. convenient

5.A. Someone   B. Everyone   C. Anyone

6.A. to build   B. building   C. built

7.A. For   B. From   C. With

8.A. to have fun   B. have fun   C. having fun

9.A. large   B. larger   C. largest

10.A. millions   B. millions of   C. million of

