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He Garden

Price: Adults(成人)¥50

Children  ¥20

Slender West Lake

Price: Adults¥60

Children (10 years old and over) ¥30

Children (under 10 years old) free (免费的)

Open: 6.00 a.m.—7:00 p.m. every day

Yangzhou Zoo

Price: Adults ¥40

Children (12 years old and over ) ¥15

Children (under 12 years old) free

Open : 7:00 a.m.—6:00p.m. from Monday to Friday

6.30 a.m. to 6.30p.m. on Saturday and Sunday

1.You are a student. If you go to He Garden with your parents, you should spend____________.

A. 60 yuan  B. 90 yuan  C. 120 yuan   D.150 yuan

2.You are eight years old. If you don’t take any money, you____________.

A. can’t go to any place

B. can go to only one place

C. can go to two places

D. can go to three places

3. From the information, we can know ____________.

A. Yangzhou Zoo is open for 12 hours a day on Tuesday.

B. the price for adults is 60 yuan in Slender West Lake.

C. you can only go to Yangzhou Zoo from Monday to Friday.

D. children under 8 can’t go to He Garden.

