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Have you ever read a food blog? If your answer is no, here is one for you. WeirdMeat.com is an online journal that was started a few years ago. Basically, the blog records the author’s experiences of eating strange foods around the world, and his observations of how different cultures feel about food. So far, the author has tried snakes, scorpions, spiders and nighthawks. Just as the author says, “What is weird(奇异的)to one might be normal to another.”

Many of the things on the author's weird-meat list might sound horrible to us. For example, ostriches are cute birds, but people in Iran make big ostrich sandwiches, supposed to be the world’s largest sandwich. If you are tired of eating meat, you can try “lemongrass giant crickets(蟋蟀)with Thai spices”. They go well with salads. If you enjoy the crispy texture of the crickets, you might want to eat several. How about some “turtle shell jello”? You might have heard of it though you've never had a chance to try any, “Gui Lin Gao” (turtle jelly) is Chinese. It’s a popular dessert in summer and usually served cold. It tastes like Coca Cola, and it is also said that the mixture is good for the skin. And in Bangkok, the author has tried all kinds of insects, including white ant eggs. A soup is cooked with ant eggs, larvae, and baby ants, and you may find that the ants’ little black eyeballs are staring at you while you eat the soup. “Awesome” is the word the author uses to describe the flavor. He couldn’t wait to have another bowl.

Want to find out more? Visit the weird meat blog, and maybe you can also add one or two things to the list.

1.What is WeirdMeat.com?(不多于三个单词)


2.What is the second paragraph mainly about?(不多于五个单词)


3.What word can be used to describe the blog author?(仅用一个单词)


4.What does the author mean by saying “What is weird to one might be normal to another.”?(不多于五个单词)


